Create a Game of Thrones Table Plan

February 24, 2018

Create a Game of Thrones Table Plan

Your wedding day takes a lot of planning. Even the most diligent planner can get caught off guard though by guests who are late to respond or suddenly pull out at the last moment. When this happens you might find that your expensive table plans are now incorrect and there’s no time to order a new set from the local print shop. Even if there’s time to reorder, it’ll no doubt cost money to get the table plans reprinted and you’ll still have that fear that someone else will phone the night before to tell you that their wife has the flu and so they can’t make it.

But fear not!! We designed this site to help you design free table plans and wedding stationery that you can print at home on fancy card or plain white paper. Many of our designs are free and below we’ll show you how to make a table plan for wedding guests which has a Game of Thrones theme.

Game of Thrones may seem an odd choice for a wedding theme considering (spoiler alert!) what happens at the end of Season 3. But there are many aspects to Game of Thrones that can be beautifuly integrated into your wedding day, such as a harpist playing The Rains of Castamere or a candle lit dining hall.

The below table plan template uses a Game of Thrones font to help you print out table plans for your wedding guests.

First, go to table plans and enter your guests and their table names. You might want to use Game of Thrones surnames for table names. We’ll have 4 tables in our simple example laid out below: Stark, Lannister, Tyrell and Targaryen. We’ll use characters from the show as our guests just for fun.

If you like, choose an image to go at the top of your table plan. In our example below we’ll keep it simple and free by choosing no image.

After submitting your email (so we can send you a link to your designs) you can fine tune your guest plan by choosing appropriate fonts for the table name and guest names.

In the example below we choose the ‘Game of Thrones’ font from the drop down for the table names. We choose a more generic, but classy,font for the guest names - Quicksand.